
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Eight Great Reasons to Team Teach

When Brennan went to work in the same school as Stacey, we began dabbling in team teaching.  We would team up for lessons and we found that even though the number of kids in the room doubled, they were more engaged in the learning.  We were more enthusiastic about our teaching.  When the classroom right next door to Stacey opened, Brennan packed up her stuff (for the millionth time) and moved down the hall so we could make this our full time gig.  We have never looked back.  Here are a few reasons why you might want to try it out:

  1. Team teaching allows for different ideas and perspectives in the same classroom.  
  2. You can share the workload with someone who works just as hard as you do.
  3. Your classroom never misses a beat.  When one of you is sick, the work continues.  No need for sub plans!
  4. You model a collaborative relationship for your students.
  5. The students’ social, emotional, and academic needs can be discussed with another adult who has an equal knowledge and relationship.
  6. It is easier to have flexible grouping with two teachers.  If you need to pull a small group for re-teach, one teacher can work with the whole group on a project while the other does differentiated work with the small group.
  7. Assessment is enhanced.  There are two views of each student, so the depth of knowledge and insight into learning doubles.
  8. The dynamic environment allows for more spontaneity.  If a teachable moment arises, you don’t have to wait until planning time to prep and then come back to it later.  You just divide and conquer in the moment!

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